Saturday, July 7, 2007

Salvation, Mineral Spirits and Grenades

Thank you all so much for your prayers! It has been a great day here in Cahul. We had about 85 kids at Camp today (down today from the over 100+ kids of yesterday), but the teachers at the school said it was due to it being on a weekend. Overall, it really was our best day yet! This morning's Bible Story was about Zaccheus which was fantastic for talking to the children and students about salvation. This morning, we had sixteen older boys (ages 12-16) in one group and 10 of them accepted Christ along with one teacher. It was a great way to start the day! In addition, at the end of Camp today we were able to present the plan of salvation, and again, many responded!

What we have found here at Cahul is that we probably have about 25 true orphans at our Camp and the rest are children from the community. Many of the children come in from outlying villages to be at Camp; some traveling from over 40 kilometers away. This has been a different from what we have seen in the other orphanages in which we work. However, the great part about this is the Orphanage Director, Ms. Amelia, is very intentional about integrating the orphan children into the community. The other great part is that almost all of the children from the community are unchurched. It is really remarkable. A few have heard different Bible Stories because of some teaching in the orphanage and some have been to Orthodox churches, but very few know much at all about Jesus and salvation. As so many of you have been praying, our God has truly gone before us and prepared the hearts of these precious children for our coming. The fields are really ripe for harvest!

Again, thank you all for your fervent prayers! They are truly making a difference. We love you, and we miss you (and American food :))! All glory to our God!

In Christ,

P.S. We painted all the orphanage's playground equipment today and now my room smells like mineral spirits. Also, one of the groups had their children tell of their favorite found treasure which happened to be grenades found in their family garden!

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